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New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) – How To Apply

    New York State is the sponsor for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).

    Apply for 2024-25 New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) – New York State is now welcoming applications from eligible candidates for its Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). Find details on eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and how to apply below:

    New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

    About the New York State (NYS) Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

    The New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) aims to help eligible New York residents cover tuition expenses at approved in-state schools. TAP grants can provide annual awards of up to $5,665, and the best part is, recipients don’t have to repay this assistance.

    TAP also extends its support to students attending SUNY, CUNY, and nonprofit independent degree-granting colleges on a part-time basis. To qualify for Part-time TAP, you need to meet specific criteria: you should have started as a first-time freshman in the 2006-07 academic year or later, earned at least 12 credits in two consecutive semesters, and maintained a minimum “C” average.

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    New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) Eligibility

    To be eligible for NYS TAP, you should:

    1. Be a legal resident of New York State, residing there continuously for 12 months.
    2. Be either a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen.
    3. Have completed high school in the U.S., earned a high school equivalency diploma through the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC, formerly GED), or passed a federally approved “Ability to Benefit” test defined by the Commissioner of the State Education Department.
    4. Enroll in an approved New York State postsecondary institution, matriculate in an approved study program, and maintain a “C” average after the 4th semester payment.
    5. Be a full-time student, taking a minimum of twelve credits applicable to your degree program each semester.
    6. Face annual tuition charges of at least $200.
    7. Meet income eligibility limits.
    8. Be free from default on any state or federal student loans or State award repayments.
    9. Adhere to any service conditions set by a NYS award.

    Please keep in mind that your full-time course load must consist of credit-bearing courses relevant to your program of study, including general education requirements, major prerequisites, or elective courses.

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    TAP Income Limits

    Here are the income limits for TAP:

    Student TypeNYS Taxable Income Limit
    Dependent undergraduate students$80,000
    Independent Students with Dependents$80,000
    Independent students who are unmarried and have tax dependents$80,000
    Students who qualified as an orphan, foster child, or ward of the court at any time since the age of 13$80,000
    Independent Married Students (No Other Dependents)$40,000
    Single Independent Students (No Dependents)$10,000

    Apply TAP through the FAFSA

    To apply for TAP, the easiest method is through the FAFSA. Make sure you’ve finished your FAFSA!

    If you’re a New York State (NYS) resident attending NYS schools, you can directly access the TAP application from the FAFSA confirmation page.

    TAP application from the FAFSA confirmation page

    If you didn’t apply for TAP through the FAFSA and you entered your New York State address and a New York State college on the FAFSA, HESC (Higher Education Services Corporation) will automatically receive your information in about three days. They will then send you an email or postcard with instructions on how to complete the TAP application online.

    If you’ve received this notice from HESC, you should proceed to apply.

    The application process starts by creating your HESC-specific username and personal identification number, which is called a HescPIN. You’ll need your HescPIN when you “sign” your TAP application and when you want to access your HESC account information in the future.

    NYS DREAM Act TAP Applicants Eligibility

    You might qualify if:

    If You Have a Permanent Home in NYS:

    • You live permanently in New York State, and you are one of the following:
      • Hold a U-Visa.
      • Have a T-Visa.
      • Enjoy temporary protected status, per the Federal Immigration Act of 1990.
      • Lack lawful immigration status, including those with DACA status.
    • You also meet one of these conditions:
      • Attended a New York State high school for at least 2 years, graduated from a New York State high school, and enrolled or plan to enroll in undergraduate studies at a New York State college within 5 years of high school graduation.
      • Obtained a New York State high school equivalency diploma and enrolled or plan to enroll in undergraduate studies at a New York State college within 5 years of earning the diploma.
      • Are or will be charged the New York State resident in-state tuition rate at a SUNY or CUNY college for reasons other than residency.

    If You Have a Permanent Home Outside of NYS:

    • You live outside New York State, and you are one of the following:
      • U.S. citizen.
      • Permanent lawful resident.
      • A member of a class of refugees paroled by the attorney general under his or her parole authority related to admitting aliens to the U.S.
      • Hold a U-Visa.
      • Have a T-Visa.
      • Enjoy temporary protected status, per the Federal Immigration Act of 1990.
      • Lack lawful immigration status, including those with DACA status.
    • You also meet one of these conditions:
      • Attended a New York State high school for at least 2 years, graduated from a New York State high school, and enrolled or plan to enroll in undergraduate studies at a New York State college within 5 years of high school graduation.
      • Obtained a New York State high school equivalency diploma and enrolled or plan to enroll in undergraduate studies at a New York State college within 5 years of earning the diploma.
      • Are or will be charged the New York State resident in-state tuition rate at a SUNY or CUNY college for reasons other than residency.

    In addition:

    • You must study at an approved New York State postsecondary institution.
    • You need to be matriculated in an approved study program and maintain a “C” average by the 4th semester payment.
    • You should be a full-time student, taking twelve or more credits applicable toward your degree program each term.
    • You must have at least $200 in annual tuition charges.
    • Your income should fall within the eligibility limits.
    • You must not be in default on any state or federal student loans or on any State award repayments.
    • You must comply with any service conditions set by a NYS award.

    Important Note: If you’re a first-time applicant for New York State financial aid, including TAP, and you don’t possess a U.S. high school diploma or its equivalent, you must pass a federally approved Ability to Benefit (ATB) test as identified by the Board of Regents.

    How to Apply

    If you’re a new applicant seeking NYS financial aid through the DREAM Act, start by applying for eligibility under the NYS DREAM Act. Once you’ve been deemed eligible under the NYS DREAM Act, you can then proceed to apply for TAP.

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    Checking Your Application Status

    After submitting your application and uploading any necessary documents, it’s your responsibility to keep tabs on your application’s status. You can easily monitor its progress online.

    Award Notification and Acceptance

    Once a decision has been reached regarding your eligibility for each award you’ve applied for, you’ll receive an email notification. If you qualify for an award, your next step is to accept it.

    For some awards, there may be a requirement to sign an agreement indicating your commitment to reside and/or work in New York State for a specified number of years after you graduate as a condition for receiving the award. If you decide not to accept an award with this post-graduation requirement, you can specify your decision on the contract.

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