York University Scholarships 2023-24 Bursaries – Apply Now

You want to apply for York University Scholarships & Bursaries? In this guide, we will explore the different types of scholarships offered at York University, their eligibility criteria, application processes, and essential tips to increase your chances of securing a scholarship. We will highlight some notable scholarships and their impact on students’ lives, showcasing the difference they make in fostering academic success and future achievements.


York University Scholarships 2023-24 Bursaries

If you are aspiring to pursue your academic journey at York University or are currently enrolled as a student, this comprehensive guide to York University scholarships will serve as an invaluable resource in your pursuit of educational and personal excellence. Let’s delve into the world of scholarships and opportunities that await you at York University!

About the York University Scholarships

York University, located in Toronto, Canada, is renowned for its commitment to excellence in education and its diverse and inclusive community. As part of its mission to support students’ academic pursuits, the university offers a wide range of scholarships and financial aid opportunities.

Scholarships at York University are designed to recognize and reward exceptional academic achievements, leadership skills, community involvement, and other outstanding accomplishments. These scholarships aim to alleviate the financial burden of pursuing higher education and empower students to focus on their studies and personal growth.

Whether you are an incoming undergraduate student, a graduate student, or an international applicant, there are various scholarship options available at York University. These scholarships are funded by the university itself, private donors, corporations, and government agencies, reflecting the dedication of the community to support education and research.

Types of Scholarships Offered at York University.

At York University, a diverse array of scholarships are offered to recognize and support students’ academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and financial need. The types of scholarships available may include:

  1. Entrance Scholarships: These scholarships are awarded to incoming undergraduate students based on their academic performance in high school or previous post-secondary education. Eligibility and award amounts may vary, and some scholarships may require an application, while others are automatically awarded based on admission data.
  2. In-Course Scholarships: Designed to support current undergraduate students, in-course scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance during their studies at York University. These scholarships may have specific eligibility criteria and are often merit-based.
  3. Graduate Scholarships: York University provides various scholarships and fellowships for graduate students pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees. These awards may be based on academic excellence, research achievements, or contributions to the academic community.
  4. Leadership Scholarships: These scholarships recognize students who have shown exceptional leadership skills and a commitment to making a positive impact on their community, both within and beyond the university campus.
  5. Community Involvement Scholarships: Awarded to students who have actively participated in community service or volunteer work, these scholarships highlight the importance of giving back and making a difference in society.
  6. Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships: York University encourages diversity and inclusivity on campus and offers scholarships to support students from underrepresented backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ students.
  7. Athletic Scholarships: For students who excel in sports, York University provides athletic scholarships to support their participation in varsity sports teams while maintaining academic progress.
  8. International Student Scholarships: York University offers scholarships specifically tailored to support international students who choose to pursue their education at the university.
  9. Financial Need-Based Scholarships: Some scholarships are awarded based on students’ financial need and are intended to assist those facing financial challenges in funding their education.
  10. Prestigious Awards and Fellowships: These highly competitive awards are designed to recognize exceptional achievements and contributions across various fields, such as research, arts, and innovation.

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Eligibility Criteria for York University Scholarship.

The eligibility criteria for York University scholarships can vary depending on the specific scholarship or award being offered. Different scholarships may have different requirements based on factors such as academic achievements, extracurricular activities, financial need, or other specific criteria. Here are some common eligibility criteria that may apply to York University scholarships:

  1. Many scholarships at York University are merit-based and require students to demonstrate outstanding academic achievements. This may include maintaining a high GPA or meeting specific grade requirements.
  2. Admissions Status: Some scholarships are available only to incoming students, while others are open to current undergraduate or graduate students. Make sure to check if the scholarship is for new or returning students.
  3. Field of Study: Certain scholarships may be restricted to students pursuing specific academic programs or fields of study. For example, scholarships may be available for students in science, arts, engineering, business, or other disciplines.
  4. Citizenship or Residency: Some scholarships are open only to Canadian citizens or permanent residents, while others may be available to international students as well. International students should look for scholarships specifically designated for them.
  5. Community Involvement: Scholarships based on community involvement may require students to demonstrate a strong commitment to volunteer work, leadership roles, or contributions to their communities.
  6. Leadership and Extracurricular Activities: Some scholarships may recognize students’ leadership qualities and contributions to extracurricular activities, clubs, or organizations.
  7. Financial Need: Certain scholarships are need-based and are awarded to students who demonstrate financial need. Applicants may need to submit financial documents to support their application.
  8. Essay or Personal Statement: Some scholarships may require applicants to submit essays or personal statements explaining their achievements, goals, or how they meet the scholarship’s criteria.
  9. Letters of Recommendation: Certain scholarships may require letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, or community leaders to support the student’s application.
  10. Specific Demographic Criteria: There may be scholarships available to support students from underrepresented groups, such as racial or ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, or LGBTQ+ students.
  11. Citizenship or Residency: Some scholarships are open only to Canadian citizens or permanent residents, while others may be available to international students as well. International students should look for scholarships specifically designated for them.

Please note:  Make sure you carefully review the eligibility requirements for each scholarship you are interested in to ensure that you meet all the criteria. Additionally, keep in mind that the availability and criteria for scholarships may change over time, so always check the university’s official website or contact the financial aid office for the most up-to-date information.

How to Apply for York University Scholarship Program.

Applying for York University scholarships involves a series of steps, and the process may vary depending on the specific scholarship you are interested in.

Here’s a general guide on how to apply for scholarships at York University:

  1. Research Available Scholarships: Start by exploring the scholarships offered at York University. You can find information about scholarships on the university’s official website, the financial aid office’s webpage, or through scholarship databases and portals.
  2. Check Eligibility: Review the eligibility criteria for each scholarship to determine if you meet the requirements. Pay attention to factors such as academic performance, field of study, citizenship, financial need, and any other specific criteria.
  3. Prepare Necessary Documents: Gather all the documents required for the scholarship application, such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, essays or personal statements, proof of extracurricular activities or community involvement, and any other supporting materials.
  4. Create an Online Application Account: Most scholarship applications at York University are submitted online through the university’s scholarship portal. Create an account on the portal to access and complete the application forms.
  5. Submit General Application: Some scholarships may require applicants to complete a general scholarship application form. This form will ask for your basic information, academic background, extracurricular activities, and other relevant details.
  6. Apply for Specific Scholarships: After submitting the general application, you may need to indicate which specific scholarships you are applying for. Some scholarships may require additional questions or essays tailored to that particular award.
  7. Complete Financial Need Assessment (if applicable): For need-based scholarships, you might be required to complete a financial need assessment form. This form will help the university determine your eligibility based on your financial situation.
  8. Submit Documents and Recommendations: Upload or submit all the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and any other supporting materials, as required for each scholarship.
  9. Check Deadlines: Ensure you submit your scholarship applications before the specified deadlines. Missing the deadline could result in your application not being considered.
  10. Review and Confirm: Before finalizing your application, review all the information you provided to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  11. Wait for Results: After submitting your scholarship applications, wait for the selection process to take place. The university will typically notify successful applicants by email or through the scholarship portal.
  12. Accept the Scholarship: If you are awarded a scholarship, follow the instructions provided by the university to accept the award. This may involve confirming your acceptance, providing additional information, or attending a scholarship award ceremony.

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Deadline and Application Process

The deadline and application process for York University scholarships can vary depending on the specific scholarship or award you are applying for. Here are some general guidelines on deadlines and the application process:

  1. Application Deadlines: Scholarships at York University often have specific application deadlines. These deadlines can range from a few weeks to several months before the start of the academic year. It’s essential to check the deadlines for each scholarship you are interested in and make sure to submit your application before the specified date. Missing the deadline may result in your application not being considered.
  2. Early Applications: Some scholarships, especially entrance scholarships for incoming students, may have early application deadlines. Applying early can increase your chances of being considered for these scholarships, as funds may be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. Ongoing Applications: While some scholarships have fixed deadlines, others may have ongoing applications, meaning they are open throughout the year. Students can apply for these scholarships at any time, and the awards may be given on a rolling basis.
  4. Online Application: Most scholarship applications at York University are submitted online through the university’s scholarship portal or application system. Create an account on the portal, complete the required information, and upload any necessary documents.
  5. Specific Scholarship Requirements: Some scholarships may have additional requirements, such as essays, letters of recommendation, or proof of extracurricular activities. Ensure you fulfill all the specific requirements for each scholarship you apply for.
  6. Financial Need Assessment (if applicable): If you are applying for need-based scholarships, you may need to complete a financial need assessment form or provide financial documents to demonstrate your eligibility.
  7. Confirmation and Notifications: After submitting your scholarship application, you will typically receive a confirmation email. If additional information or documents are required, the university may contact you. The university will notify successful applicants of scholarship awards by email or through the scholarship portal.
  8. Acceptance of Scholarship: If you are awarded a scholarship, follow the instructions provided by the university to accept the award. This may involve confirming your acceptance, providing additional information, or attending a scholarship award ceremony.

To find specific deadlines and the application process for individual scholarships, visit the official website of York University’s financial aid office or scholarship portal. Please Note that scholarship information and deadlines can change from year to year, so it’s essential to verify the most up-to-date information directly from the university.

York University’s Scholarships for International Students.

York University offers several scholarships and financial aid opportunities specifically for international students to support their academic pursuits. Here are some notable scholarships available for international students at York University:

  • Global Leader of Tomorrow (I) Entrance Scholarship: This prestigious scholarship is awarded to exceptional international students entering their first year of undergraduate studies at York University. Recipients are chosen based on academic excellence, leadership qualities, and contributions to their communities. The scholarship covers full tuition and includes a significant annual stipend.
  • International Circle of Scholars Scholarship: This scholarship is available to outstanding international students entering their first year of undergraduate studies at York University. The scholarship recognizes academic achievement and provides partial tuition support.
  • York University Automatic Entrance Scholarships for International Students: International students with a high academic standing are automatically considered for various entrance scholarships based on their admission averages. These scholarships provide financial assistance for undergraduate studies.
  • Global Leader of Tomorrow (II) International Student Scholarship: This scholarship is for international students entering their first year of a master’s or doctoral program at York University. The scholarship recognizes academic excellence and provides funding support.
  • Graduate Fellowships: York University offers various graduate fellowships and assistantships for international students pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees. These awards are often based on academic merit and research potential.
  • York University International Student Scholarship Program: This program offers scholarships specifically designed for international students, providing financial support for their studies at York University.
  • External Scholarships: International students at York University may also be eligible for external scholarships from government agencies, private organizations, and other sources. The university’s financial aid office can provide information on external funding opportunities.

Scholarship Renewal and Academic Performance Requirements

Scholarship renewal and academic performance requirements refer to the conditions that scholarship recipients must meet to maintain their scholarships for subsequent years of study. These conditions are set by the university or scholarship provider to ensure that recipients continue to excel academically and make satisfactory progress toward their degrees. The renewal criteria may vary depending on the specific scholarship and the policies of the awarding institution.

Here are some common scholarship renewal and academic performance requirements:

  1. Minimum GPA: Many scholarships require recipients to maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) to be eligible for renewal. This GPA threshold is usually specified in the scholarship terms and conditions. For example, a scholarship may require recipients to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  2. Full-Time Enrollment: Scholarship recipients are typically required to be enrolled as full-time students to be eligible for renewal. Full-time enrollment is usually defined as a specific number of credit hours or courses per semester.
  3. Academic Progress: Recipients may be required to make satisfactory academic progress toward their degree. This means they must successfully complete a certain percentage of credits each academic year and be on track to complete their program within a specified timeframe.
  4. Good Standing: Scholarship recipients are generally required to maintain good academic and disciplinary standing at the university. Any academic probation or disciplinary issues may jeopardize scholarship renewal.
  5. Major/Program Continuation: Some scholarships may be specific to certain academic majors or programs. Recipients must remain in the same major or program for which they were awarded the scholarship to be eligible for renewal.
  6. Credit Completion: Recipients may be required to complete a certain number of credits each academic year. Falling behind in credit completion could impact scholarship renewal.
  7. Continued Eligibility: Some scholarships have additional eligibility requirements that must be met for renewal. This could include maintaining Canadian citizenship or permanent residency status, or meeting specific financial need criteria.

Notable York University Scholarships and Awards

York University offered several notable scholarships and awards to recognize and support students’ achievements. Please keep in mind that scholarship offerings may change over time, so it’s essential to verify the availability and criteria of specific scholarships directly from York University’s official website or the financial aid office. That said, here are some scholarships and awards that were notable at the time:

  • Chancellor’s Scholarship: This prestigious entrance scholarship is awarded to incoming undergraduate students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements, leadership qualities, and community involvement. It covers full tuition for four years and includes a significant annual stipend.
  • Lassonde Entrance Scholarships: For students entering engineering, computer science, or science programs at the Lassonde School of Engineering, these scholarships recognize academic excellence and leadership. Award amounts vary based on academic performance.
  • Schulich Leader Scholarships: Funded by the Schulich Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to incoming undergraduate students pursuing studies in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields. Recipients are chosen based on academic excellence, leadership, and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Talent Acquisition Scholarship: This scholarship aims to attract exceptional students from across Canada who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievements and extracurricular involvement. It provides significant financial support for up to four years of study.
  • York University Automatic Entrance Scholarships: York University automatically considers all incoming students with a high academic standing for various entrance scholarships. The amounts are based on the students’ admission averages.
  • Graduate Scholarships: York University offers numerous scholarships and fellowships for graduate students in various disciplines. These awards may be based on academic achievements, research potential, and contributions to their fields of study.
  • Glendon Global Leaders: This scholarship is available to incoming international students entering Glendon College. It recognizes academic excellence and provides financial support for up to four years of study.
  • Dean’s Excellence Award for International Students: This award is given to outstanding international students based on academic excellence and contributions to their communities.
  • York International Student Scholarship Program: This program offers scholarships specifically for international students based on academic merit and financial need.
  • External Scholarships: In addition to university-specific scholarships, York University students may also be eligible for external scholarships funded by government agencies, private organizations, and corporations.

Scholarships for Underrepresented Groups at York University

York University recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusivity in the academic community and offers scholarships specifically designed to support students from underrepresented groups. These scholarships aim to provide financial assistance and opportunities for students who may face unique challenges in pursuing higher education. Here are some scholarships for underrepresented groups at York University:

  1. Access Scholarships: These scholarships are designed to support students who may face financial barriers to higher education. They are available to both domestic and international students and aim to increase access to education for underrepresented groups.
  2. Black Student Scholarship: This scholarship is for students who self-identify as Black and demonstrate academic excellence and community involvement. It recognizes the achievements and contributions of Black students at York University.
  3. Indigenous Student Scholarships: York University offers scholarships for Indigenous students who are members of First Nations, Métis, or Inuit communities. These scholarships recognize academic achievements, leadership, and contributions to Indigenous communities.
  4. LGBTQ+ Student Scholarships: Scholarships are available to LGBTQ+ students who have demonstrated academic excellence and have made significant contributions to LGBTQ+ communities.
  5. Persons with Disabilities Scholarships: York University offers scholarships for students with disabilities who have excelled academically and contributed to disability advocacy and awareness.
  6. First-Generation Student Scholarships: These scholarships are for students who are the first in their families to attend university. They aim to support and encourage first-generation students in their academic journey.
  7. Women in STEM Scholarships: York University offers scholarships for women pursuing studies in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields. These scholarships aim to promote gender diversity in traditionally male-dominated fields.
  8. Racial and Ethnic Minority Scholarships: Some scholarships at York University are open specifically to students from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds. These scholarships aim to promote diversity and inclusivity on campus.

Tips for a Successful Scholarship Application.

Here are some tips for a successful scholarship application at York University (or any other institution):

  1. Start Early: Begin researching and preparing for scholarships well in advance. Some scholarships may have early application deadlines, so starting early gives you more time to gather required documents and craft a strong application.
  2. Read the Requirements Carefully: Pay close attention to the eligibility criteria and application instructions for each scholarship. Make sure you meet all the requirements and understand what documents or essays are needed.
  3. Tailor Your Application: Customize your application for each scholarship you apply to. Highlight relevant achievements, experiences, and goals that align with the scholarship’s specific criteria.
  4. Maintain a Strong GPA: Many scholarships are based on academic merit, so strive to maintain a high grade point average (GPA) throughout your academic journey.
  5. Showcase Leadership and Extracurricular Involvement: Participate actively in clubs, organizations, or community service projects. Scholarships often value leadership skills and contributions to the community.
  6. Write Compelling Essays: If required, write clear and well-structured essays that demonstrate your passion, goals, and how the scholarship will impact your education and future.
  7. Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation: Request letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, or community leaders who know you well and can speak to your abilities and achievements.
  8. Proofread Your Application: Check your application for spelling, grammar, and formatting errors. A well-polished application reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.
  9. Be Authentic: Be genuine and honest in your application. Scholarship committees appreciate sincerity and personal stories that reflect your true self.
  10. Emphasize Financial Need (if applicable): If you are applying for need-based scholarships, provide relevant financial information and demonstrate how the scholarship will assist you in pursuing your education.
  11. Stay Organized: Keep track of deadlines, required documents, and application progress to avoid missing any essential steps.
  12. Seek Assistance if Needed: Reach out to the university’s financial aid office or scholarship advisors if you have questions or need guidance throughout the application process.
  13. Follow Instructions: Adhere to all the guidelines and formatting requirements provided in the scholarship application. Failure to follow instructions may result in your application being disqualified.
  14. Be Persistent: Don’t get discouraged if you are not selected for a particular scholarship. Keep applying for other opportunities, as there are numerous scholarships available.
  15. Thank the Scholarship Committee: If you are awarded a scholarship, express gratitude by sending a thank-you note or email to the scholarship committee or donors.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about York University Scholarships.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about York University scholarships:

Q: What types of scholarships are available at York University?

A: York University offers various scholarships, including entrance scholarships, in-course scholarships, graduate scholarships, leadership scholarships, community involvement scholarships, athletic scholarships, and more.

Q: How do I apply for scholarships at York University?

A: To apply for scholarships at York University, create an account on the scholarship portal, complete the general application, and apply for specific scholarships based on your eligibility and interests. Ensure that you submit all required documents before the specified deadlines.

Q: Are scholarships at York University available for international students?

A: Yes, York University offers scholarships specifically designed for international students, including both undergraduate and graduate applicants.

Q: What are the eligibility criteria for scholarships at York University?

A: The eligibility criteria for scholarships at York University can vary depending on the specific scholarship. Common criteria include academic performance, field of study, leadership skills, community involvement, financial need, and citizenship or residency status.

Q: Can I apply for multiple scholarships at York University?

A: Yes, you can apply for multiple scholarships at York University. Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria and submit separate applications for each scholarship you are interested in.

Q: Are there scholarships available for graduate students at York University?

A: Yes, York University offers various scholarships and fellowships specifically for graduate students pursuing master’s or doctoral degrees.

Q: How will I be notified if I am awarded a scholarship?

A: If you are awarded a scholarship, York University will typically notify you by email or through the scholarship portal. Make sure to regularly check your email and the portal for updates.

Q: Can I combine multiple scholarships at York University?

A: In some cases, students may be eligible for multiple scholarships, but the combination of awards is subject to the university’s policy. Some scholarships may be combined, while others may be awarded separately.

Q: Do I need to repay the scholarship amount?

A: Scholarships at York University are generally non-repayable. They are financial awards given to students to support their education and do not require repayment.

Q: What happens if my financial situation changes after receiving a scholarship?

A: If your financial situation changes significantly after receiving a scholarship, contact the financial aid office at York University to discuss your circumstances. They can provide guidance on any necessary adjustments.

Q: Are there scholarships available for specific academic programs or faculties?

A: Yes, there may be scholarships available specifically for students enrolled in certain academic programs or faculties at York University. Check with your program’s department or the financial aid office for more information.

Q: Can I keep my scholarship if my academic performance changes?

A: Scholarship renewal criteria vary depending on the award. Some scholarships may have minimum GPA requirements for renewal, while others may require students to maintain full-time enrollment or demonstrate continued involvement in extracurricular activities.

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